Prognosis For Gastroparesis Or Delayed Gastric Emptying
What about prognosis for gastroparesis? There is no known cure for delayed gastric emptying. Eating a special gastroparalysis friendly diet however can increase quality of life.Quality Of Life And Gastroparesis
The quality of life for someone suffering from gastroparesis varies from person to person but dealing with symptoms of the delayed gastric emptying can be very difficult to live with day in and day out.
Prognosis For Those With Diabetic Gastroparesis
The prognosis for diabetics suffering from gastroparalysis is similar to the prognosis for those with delayed gastric emptying due to other conditions except that those with diebetes have the added responsibility of eating right for multiple conditions.
The diet for those suffering from both gastroparalysis and diabetes involves eating both a gastroparesis friendly diet and a diabetes friendly diet together.