How To Treat Gastroparesis. Treating Delayed Gastric Emptying
How to treat gastroparesis? Gastroparalysis treatment varies. There is currently no known cure delayed gastric emptying caused by gastroparesis. There are a few ways to treat the disorder however.Treating Gastroparalysis Through Friendly Diets
The simplest way to treat delayed gastric emptying caused by gastroparalysis is by adopting a gastroparesis friendly diet and treating the bacterial overgrowth that occurs in the small ingastroparalysisine.
Eating gastroparesis friendly foods in small increments throughout the day and help manage symptoms in most people. If the patient cannot maintain a healthy diet or keep food or liquids down however further steps must be taken to ensure that malnutrition does not set in.
Gastroparesis Medications & Gastric Surgery
Medications or injections may be used to treat the symptoms of gastroparesis, although they rarely actually work, they may be of some relief.
A patient with delayed gastric emptying may undergo a surgery to remove part of the lower ingastroparalysisine to aid digestion in more severe cases.
Treating Gastroparesis With Gastric Pacemaker Surgery
Another Gastroparesis treatment is implantation of a gastric pacemaker to send electrical signals to the stomach muscles in an attempt to get them to contract and move food along the digestive tract.
This treatment may relieve some of the symptoms of delayed gastric emptying by jump starting the electrical impulses to the stomach muscles.
There have been some successes in treating patients with delayed gastric emptying using a gastric pacemaker but this form of treatment for gastroparesis is expensive and the gastric pacemaker battery must be replaced every 7 to 10 years.
Treating Malnutrition & Dehydration With A Feeding Tube
Lastly, if a Gastroparesis friendly diet, medications, surgery and a gastric pacemaker does not work to alleviate the symptoms of delayed gastric emptying, a patient may have a feeding tube passed directly into their small ingastroparalysisine so that they get the proper nutrients their body needs to survive.
A feeding tube is usually done in severe cases of malnutrition or dehydration due to continuous vomiting where there are no other options available, as this procedure is invasive.